Course Descriptions
GEG 102 - Human Geography
3 Credits
Human Geography is the spatial analysis of human populations, their cultures, their activities and behaviors, and their relationship with, and impact on, the physical landscapes they occupy. GEG 102 is an introductory course presented through two major themes: population geography and cultural geography. Topics include migration, languages, religions, ethnicities, and cemeteries.
New SUNY General Education: SUNY - Social Sciences, SUNY - World History and Global Awareness
Retiring SUNY General Education: SUNY-OWC - Other World Civilizations (SOW2)
MCC General Education: MCC-GLO - Global Understanding (MGLO), MCC-SSD - Social Science and Diversity (MSSD)
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Differentiate among the major fields of Geography: Physical Geography, Human Geography, Regional Geography, and Geospatial Technology.
2. Locate and identify political units and physical features important to Human Geography.
3. Compare and contrast the major theories of overpopulation.
4. Apply the Push/Pull Theory of migration at various scales.
5. Distinguish the differences in diffusion of folk and popular cultures.
6. Explain the global distribution of the world’s major languages.
7. Distinguish the differences in diffusion of ethnic and universalizing religions.
8. Debate the socioeconomic consequences of ethnic enclaves.
Course Offered Fall, Spring
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Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025